How does your garden grow?

I have always loved the idea of having my own vegetable garden.  My hat goes off to those that can maintain a healthy and bountiful garden, unfortunately, I am not one of them!  I have tried my hand at a small vegetable garden on my sun deck, just like the DIY gardening projects seen on TV.  I have planted in raised beds, crates, and containers and If I got a few tomatoes or zucchini before some animal or bug got to them, I was happy.

I have been called the “Plant Assassin”, accused of having a “Black Thumb”, my husband calling my plants, “The Victims”, and sarcastic remarks from friends “maybe you should try watering them”  As if I would neglect them on purpose!  I am sure the insults will continue, but I still want a Vegetable Garden!

I just learned about Tower Gardens from a friend and decided to look into them.  Having several herself, I would see her posts on Facebook every now and then and it made me curious and wanting to know more.  Using the existing Aeroponic, (water and air) technology, the Tower Gardens have been used to create gardens on roof tops and in areas that you would never think to grow a vegetable garden.  Perfect for that person living in the city and longing for a little piece of “land”.  Restaurants wanting to use the freshest organic produce for their signature dishes can maintain Tower Gardens on patios where they could serve as part of their sustainable decor.

The Tower Gardens may seem expensive at first, (about $525.00), but if you break down the costs of what you might spend on organic produce at the market.., or the costs to build the raised beds and/or the containers, the cost may be justified.  They say the return on your investment is about 2 years.  The base of the Tower Gardens measures 24” inches in diameter and should fit on any balcony, or deck. You can place a Tower Garden on a patio or small area of your yard.  The Towers are self contained, with a 20 gallon water reservoir that pumps water to the top and provides water to the roots of the plants on the way down in timed intervals.   The tower uses 10 percent of water compared to a traditional garden that needs watering daily.

I was impressed by the fact that the Aeroponic technology allows for faster growth, (about 1/2 the time of the conventional method).  In about 3- 4 weeks you will have leafy vegetables to enjoy.  The hard part is remembering to fill the reservoir once a week along with nutrients specifically formulated for the Tower Garden, (that’s what husbands are for).  The herbs and veggies on my friend’s Tower Garden are so healthy looking, the leaves are larger, the stocks are thick, bright, and flavorful unlike store bought.

I am a huge fan of juicing. I have been juicing with fresh fruits and vegetables and a good quality plant based protein powder for years.  I take supplements that are all natural made from whole foods of the highest quality,  so you can see why the Tower Garden interests me.  If you find yourself interested in growing your own produce and don’t have the time or space, the Tower Garden is definitely worth looking into.  The Tower Garden is a product of Juice Plus, If you want to know more about the towers, go on-line or contact my friend Laura., then let me know how your garden grows!


  1. Reply

    I saw these towers at the Ballpark in San Francisco, they do a nice job growing things, especially lettuces and leafy greens.
    Pretty cool concept, great for small spaces or big operations.
    Practice makes perfect, keep on growing Pat!

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