Good bye 2016!

As we count the last hours of December and enter into a new year, I start to reminisce of what this year has meant to me, besides the fact that in a blink of an eye the year has come and will be gone.

I started working on this blog in October of 2015 and launched my first blog in April, 2016. Not knowing what I was doing and still learning. Creating a Blog definitely has its challenges especially for an old school girl, like me!  I found that writing about the things that I was most passionate about was fun and easy, getting the site to look just the way I wanted, not so much!

At first, I didn’t think I had much to share or talk about, but then I realized that after 35 years in the commercial interior design industry, countless dinner parties, holiday celebrations, and memorable vacations, there really is a lot to talk about and much more waiting to be explored and discovered.

In August our first grandchild, Grayson Alexander was born. He has been my focus ever since. I could blog about him all day, but that would be me being bias. But I have to say he is amazing and pretty cute too!  Since his birth, some of my closest friends have become first time grandparents too. It is a feeling that can’t be described and for those of you who are grandparents will know what I am talking about!

In the last few months, my blogs have been far and few in between, and I want to make 2017 more productive and creative.  A new adventure into the land of the unknown. New recipes, interior design ideas, entertaining ideas, places that inspire me, and last but not least, my Etsy store. Which will be coming soon.

In 2016 came many challenges, I closed my commercial interior design business of 27 years, I struggled with what I was going to do for the next 20 years, and the thought of our kids moving away from LA, with our new grandbaby had put me in to a tail spin and what seemed to be high hurdles to jump over I managed to put things into perspective… At least for now.

I am forever grateful for family and friends, they have made me realize that I am not alone. Meeting a friend for coffee can make a big difference in a day.  Having friends over for a game night can bring tears to your eyes because your laughing so hard, and those spontaneous weekend getaways with my husband and best friends can be an adventure to say the least!  Life is short, so make time for yourself.  If you have some vacation time, TAKE IT!  It’s never to late to enjoy life’s moments.

Happy New Year!

May 2017 be happy, exciting, and prosperous!

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